Cosmetic Digital Smile Design

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What is Cosmetic Digital Smile Design?

It’s not uncommon to be unhappy with the way that your smile looks. Years of wear, stains and tooth movement can truly take a toll on your confidence. We offer an array of cosmetic options that enhance and correct your existing smile. We can create a perfect smile for you thru Cosmetic Digital Smile Design. Digital Smile Design allows us to create your ideal smile that not only looks amazing but functions properly digitally. You can view your smile to see the final esthetics before treatment even starts.

Why Cosmetic Digital Smile Design?

Digital Smile Design allows us to create your ideal smile that not only looks amazing but functions properly digitally. You can view your smile to see the final esthetics before treatment even starts. It allows
us to collaborate with you on smile goals, make necessary adjustments and create treatment options that work for you prior to starting treatment. No matter why you may want cosmetic dentistry, we are here to provide it to you in a way that is both effective and affordable. Cosmetic dentistry is ideal for adults of all ages.

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Dr Alice Lam has my highest recommendation. I went in for a routine dental visit and Dr Lam took the time to ask how I was doing overall, not just my teeth. Well, I was having some severe chronic pain issues unrelated (i thought) to my dental health and she listened to me. She's working with me to stabilize my bite and restore my body to a neutral position, and I'm already experiencing great results from it- my whole body, not just my teeth/jaw! I'm so thankful to have hope again and the possibility to live a life free from chronic pain. For me this is a miracle and Dr Lam is an angel. Thank you for your patience and kindness - it is so rare in today's hectic world.

Susan Rachal

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What does Cosmetic Digital Smile Design involve?

Cosmetic Digital Smile Design can both improve the appearance of your smile while helping to restore integrity and improve functionality. During a Cosmetic Digital Smile Design visit:

  • Patient Interview
  • Outline Smile goals
  • Digital models and photos
  • Digitized Case creation
  • Smile Design Case presentation and treatment planning
  • Start approved Cosmetic Smile Design treatment

You can finally have the smile you’ve always wanted for yourself. If you’re ready to transform your smile with our cosmetic options, call us today and we will be happy to further assist you.

What can you expect with Cosmetic Digital Smile Design?

We like to get to know each of our patients with a consultation. This gives us the chance to examine your teeth and create a treatment plan that is right for you. We will ask about your desires and what you’d like to achieve from your dental care. We can then offer cosmetic options that are specifically customized for you. We work diligently to provide modern and state-of-the-art technology such as Digital Smile Design when doing any and all cosmetic procedures. This ensures that you will have a full and healthy-looking smile that is truly different from anything you might have had in the past. You can finally have the smile you’ve always wanted for yourself.

If you’re ready to transform your smile with our cosmetic options, call us today and we will be happy to further assist you.

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How is Our Approach Different?

We believe in thinking differently in our approach to your health and wellness by providing Comprehensive Whole Health Dentistry. Our dedication to helping patients achieve the highest level of satisfaction and confidence in their dental care and we are committed to delivering our care and services with Honesty, Integrity and the Highest Excellence. We use only the most advanced laboratories and technology and are committed to improving the quality of life of our patients.